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Guinness World Record in Local Sport Stacking

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1Guinness World Record in Local Sport Stacking Empty Guinness World Record in Local Sport Stacking 周三 十一月 04, 2009 6:55 pm



Students at Beaconhouse School – Sri Inai and other schools in Malaysia will be taking part in the 4th annual World Sport Stacking Association (WSSA) STACK UP! on Thursday, November 12th organized by BOS Edubiz Sdn Bhd. During the course of the day, each sport stacker will be up stacking and down stacking various pyramids in prescribed patterns at lightning speed for at least 30 minutes. For the fourth year in a row, Guinness World Records is billing it as the “World’s Largest Sport Stacking Event.”Sights are set on a quarter million stackers participating in a time when sport stacking with Speed Stacks is rapidly gaining popularity around the world.

Sport stacking has been termed a “track meet for your hands at warp speed.” It is an exciting sport where students up stack and down stack 12 specially designed cups called Speed Stacks in predetermined sequences as fast as they can. Stackers race against the clock and compete in relays.

Last year, an official count of 222,560 stackers participated to break the first STACK UP! Record set in 2006. Once again, thousands of stackers are expected to contribute their sport stacking skills from across the United States and around the world in countries such as Germany, Japan, Australia, Singapore and the UK.

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According to Mark Lingle, WSSA Director, the Guinness event is a great platform to bring together sport stackers across the globe. “Sport stacking is an activity enjoyed by all ages and cultures. It promotes hand-eye coordination, action, teamwork, speed and lots of fun. This is the fourth year we’ve teamed up with Guinness World Records, and November 12th promises to be our biggest and best event yet.

Sport stacking is in more than 30,000 schools and youth organizations worldwide. It’s appealing to teachers and students because it’s easy to learn but very challenging to master. Benefits include improved reaction time, hand-eye coordination, concentration and focus. The WSSA is the governing body for sport stacking and promotes Stack Meets, Leagues and Tournaments around the world. Speed Stacks is the official equipment supplier to the WSSA.

To take part in the record-setting STACK UP!, schools and organizations around the world are required to register with the WSSA. Once they complete their 30 minutes of stacking for each participant (anytime during November 12th) they are required to send in written verification of numbers to the WSSA, who will pass on the total count to Guinness for official recognition.

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Date: 12 November 2009 (Thursday)
Time: 10.00am – 6.00pm
Location: Beaconhouse – Sri Inai, Primary & Secondary School
Address: 1098 Jalan Jejaram, off Jalan SS 23/6 Taman Sea. 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor D.E.


For Malaysians to contribute to the breaking of Guinness World Record for “World’s Largest Sport Stacking Event” involving 250,000 worldwide. Promote the benefits of Sports Stacking in Malaysia.

Event Information:

- Participants must learn to stack specially designed cups in a predetermined sequence for 30 minutes to qualify as a contributor to the Guinness Record.
- Multiple runs of the event will be done every hour to involve as many people as possible over the duration of the event.
- Event is open to everyone regardless of age
- Admission is free

Estimated No. of Participants: 800
Sanctioned by: World Sports Stacking Association (WSSA)
Endorsed by: National Association of Private Educational Institutions (NAPEI)
Organiser and Contact: 016 21267818 (Mark Lee) or email to

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