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Malaysia Mega Sale Carnival Still a Draw for Shoppers

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1Malaysia Mega Sale Carnival Still a Draw for Shoppers Empty Malaysia Mega Sale Carnival Still a Draw for Shoppers 周四 十一月 05, 2009 3:29 am



Malaysia Mega Sale Carnival Still a Draw for Shoppers 001-132

The total number of transactions by MasterCard cardholders recorded during the Malaysia Mega Sale Carnival (MMSC) 2009 increased by 2% from 15,992,714 to 16,294,837 transactions, compared to the MMSC 2008.

Tourists made good use of the attractive privileges and deals available at the MMSC 2009, such as the “MasterCard Spend and Redeem” incentive program, which offered all cardholders to get more for less through weekly shopping vouchers and gift redemptions. The success of this program was reflected in the 5% increase in number of transactions by visitors, totalling 694,562 transactions. The number of transactions by local MasterCard cardholders also recorded a slight increase of 1.7%.

“In good and bad times, MasterCard continues to search for creative ways in adding value to both foreign and local cardholders by aligning with our partners in the tourism industry,” said Jim Cheah, vice president and senior country manager, Malaysia and Brunei, MasterCard Worldwide. The highest volume of spend was recorded on Saturday, 15 August 2009 with MasterCard cardholders recording US$24.8 million in spend.

In terms of tourist expenditure, Australia and US cardholders registered a significant increase (20% and 8% respectively) compared to the same period last year. Singapore cardholders emerged as the top tourist shoppers during the Sale, spending US$17.8 million, while Australia cardholders came in second, spending US$ 14.3 million. Shoppers from the UK were the next biggest spenders, putting US$ 9.6 million on their MasterCard cards during the Sale.

“We are happy with the collaboration with key industry players that had continuously made the MMSC attractive to both foreign as well as local shoppers,” noted Cheah.

Cardholders from Singapore and the United States spent the most at dining establishments, while consumers from Australia spend most on duty free goods. Clocks, jewellery, watches and silverware were favourites with visitors from the UK, while visitors from Indonesia spent the most on healthcare.

Other key highlights of the full sale period include:

The top categories of spend by MasterCard cardholders remained consistent with last year, with retail continuing to be a key area of expenditure during the Malaysia Mega Sale Carnival.

Malaysia Mega Sale Carnival Still a Draw for Shoppers 002-115

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