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Pink Martinee presents High School Crush Theme ***

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1Pink Martinee presents High School Crush Theme Party Empty Pink Martinee presents High School Crush Theme *** 周三 十一月 11, 2009 7:11 pm



Pink Martinee presents High School Crush Theme Party 001-136

Put on that school uniform, school cap at a slant, the un-tuck shirt, the baggy navy green pants and girls, you know we all love the baby blue pinafore or if you’re sporting enough, those Japanese checkered skirt with the tight white shirt would spell A-W-E-S-O-M-E! And beware as the Guru Discipline will be giving out demerits for your attire! So dress accordingly and stand a chance to win attractive prizes!

With DJs Chalie D and K.C., dance your night away to our ***y R&B tunes with a touch of seductive HOUSE and who knows, you’ll probably get the high-school crush eyeing you across the dance floor!

Mark your calendar boys and girls, event is happening this coming Wednesday, 18th November!

Log on to / for more details.

FREE entry for LADIES all-night-long & a complimentary nerdy glasses
(FREE FLOW of drinks for ladies until midnight)

TICKET ENTRY (inc 1 drink):
RM35 Men & a complimentary nerdy glasses

Please call 012-3097811 / 017-3731307

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