现今彩妆潮流已不再局限于让脸部完美无瑕,而是如何善用化妆技巧 – 选用合适眼影和穿戴彩色美瞳隐形眼镜镜片,突出你最吸引人的五官 – 你的眼睛。问题是:“那一种时尚色彩能和你的黑眼珠完美搭配?”或者,“有没有一种彩妆隐形眼镜镜片能为眼睛描绘出天然色彩,无论去派对或上班,你都可配戴?”
FRESHKON 镶嵌美瞳隐形眼镜(FreshKon Mosaic)由 FreshKon 推出(其中一家国际知名隐形眼镜镜片品牌公司),为你提供所有问题的解答方案!
不仅仅局限于单一色彩,FreshKon 也强力推荐4种天然色彩层次,让你拥有多项选择,包括:Velvet Blu、Urban Grey、Charming Blue 和 Luscious Grey。具备有度数和无度数选择的 FRESHKON 镶嵌美瞳隐形眼镜,是任何渴望提升自我人士的完美选择!有了这些眼眸天然色彩,只需一个妆容,你就能够在任何场合展现自信魅力,吸引旁人的注视。
Freshkon MOSAIC 产品特点 – Pointilla 独特专利设计,为 FreshKon Mosaic 使用者塑造丰富色彩层次感及生动自然神采的眼眸。FreshKon Mosaic 容易配戴,绝无镜片卷曲困扰,而且拥有超强润湿度及高含水量 (55%) ,每天都提供绝佳舒适感受!此外,由于度数范围广泛(度数范围从-0.00D 至-10.00D)FreshKon Mosaic 使用者也能享受良好清晰视觉。“今天,彩色隐形眼镜象征美丽、时尚和自信。事实上,根据我们的内部调查显示,大多数隐形眼镜配戴者把戴隐形眼镜视为日常妆扮的一部分。”Oculus 集团市场管理总裁李昭坤表示。
“这项让人鼓舞的数据启发我们推出 FreshKon Mosaic, 此美瞳隐形眼镜能为你塑造时尚自然美,提供绝佳舒适配戴感受及清晰视力。”他补充说明。FreshKon Mosaic 是一种每月即弃型隐形眼镜,每盒两片装,零售价为RM75.00。即将在各大眼睛行出售。
VELVET BLUE – 提升眼睛冷艳神采。天鹅绒蓝能营造出与众不同、高贵动人的效果。
URBAN GREY – 适合充满自信、想增添眼睛敏锐神采,在工作和社交圈子塑造超凡优势的人士。
CHARMING BROWN – 营造柔和格调之余,绽放不可抗拒闪耀魅力及热情的绝佳选择。搭配潮流首饰、化妆及发型,热情棕色就能创造出活泼动人形象。
LUSCIOUS GREEN – 迷人大地色系,塑造自然美态。梦幻绿色为眼睛增添光彩,营造瞬间亮丽效果!
FreshKon 隶属Oculus Private Limited,一家致力于隐形眼镜市场创新、生产及市场销售的公司。同时,集团也在FreshKon 品牌系列中推出每日和每月即弃型隐形眼镜。更多详情,请浏览 www.freshkon.com.
MOSAIC is a superb, and very logical name, for the new range. Mosaic, by its literal definition is 'a picture or decorative design made by setting small colored pieces, as of stone or tile, into a su***ce.'
This has a direct connection to FreshKon Mosaic coloured, patterned contact lenses, Meaning, they are like mosaic - setting different coloured details' into the su***ce of the iris. Hence, wearing FreshKon Mosaic creates 'mosaic' in the eye - beautiful, captivating and unique.
Mosaic, as an art form, dates back to ancient times yet is now enjoying a worldwide revival. This incredible revival is by no means a waning fad, as the number of mosaic classes offered is constantly, sharply increasing in Singapore and internationally.
Besides, the packaging design's motif truly resembles an exquisite contemporary mosaic! The rationale of giving the new brand a name associated with an art form which that art is creative, aesthetic, celebratory, life-affirming and life-enhancing. Wearing cosmetic coloured contact lenses suggests the wearer possesses similar aesthetic/creative values.
As the new brand aspires to be classy and sophisticated, it is a good idea to connect it, name-wise, to an art form which is universally renowned. The famous Spanish artist Gaudi is perhaps the most known mosaic artist, and Gaudi typifies all that is inspiring and beautiful, with a spirit of exquisite attention to detail.
MOSAIC sits perfectly with FreshKon, and is also a marvelous complement to, and differentiation from, the existing two brands.