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Mould test chamber

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1Mould test chamber Empty Mould test chamber 周五 七月 08, 2011 9:19 am


This product is applicable for the testing of the indices of the spaceflight and aviation products, materials, electronic products,(linpin) and electronic and electrical components and parts in humid and heat environment.
Chamber Structure
The inner bladder of the chamber is made of imported SUS304 stainless steel plate while the outer bladder is made of A3 steel plate sprayed with plastic.
A large observation window is set on the chamber door(linpin).
Double-layer high-temperature resistant and high-intensity seal is adopted between the chamber door and the chamber body in order to ensure the obturation of the testing area.
A test hole with 25mm,(linpin) or 50mm or 100mm diameter is set on the left of the chamber body.
A high-quality fixable PU moving wheel is adopted on the bottom of the test chamber.

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