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Official Launch of Pavillion Crystal Fountain

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1Official Launch of Pavillion Crystal Fountain Empty Official Launch of Pavillion Crystal Fountain 周二 八月 11, 2009 9:06 pm



Official Launch of Pavillion Crystal Fountain 001-44

Pavilion Kuala Lumpur has made Malaysia proud witht the installation of a new national landmark, the tallest Liuli Crystal Fountain in the country. The Pavilion Crystal Fountain icon stands tall in total at 3.6m in height and 6m in width, is an epitome of grandeur. Located at the heart of the Golden Triangle in front of the award winning retail landmark, Pavilion Crystal Fountain will add more energy, zest and culture to the bustling Bukit Bintang and *** it the latest must-visit tourist destination in Malaysia.

Valued closed to RM8 milion, the iconic fountain stands tall amongst other world-renowned iconic fountains such as Trevi Fountain and Four River Fountains in Rome where tourists will now have the opportunity to emulate that symbolic gesture of tossing the coin into the pride of the nation, Pavilion Crystal Fountain. The iconic fountain will be the fort to harbour the nations’ hope, dreams and aspitation that will be fulfilled one day.

Official Launch of Pavillion Crystal Fountain 002-40

Official Launch of Pavillion Crystal Fountain 003-31

Conceptualized by Pavilion KL in collaboration with Liuligongfang, an expert in artistic glassware, the fountain is designed with nationalistic ideologies in mind. The Fountain features the Bloom of Hibiscus, the national flower of Malaysia, a symbol of opulence, passion and progression. The three bowls represent Malaysia’s multiracial culture living harmoniously in unity and ascending to signify the growing aspirations of the people. Serenely the water converges from all directions, an endless cource of blessings and prosperity. This crystal glass fountain bestows luminous wealth upon the city and the nation. The essence of this fountain is a reflection of our Prime Minister’s “1 Malaysia” vision.

Pavilion KL has recently added another award to its impressive accolades by outclassing 26 entries worldwide to be named the “World’s Best Retail Centre” by the FIABCI Prix d’Excellence Awards 2009. The award and the iconic fountain is a testament to the capabilities and foresight of Pavilion KL’s mission to build a world class retail landmark in KL to br the pride of the city and the nation.

The premier mall is also chosen as the host of the MMSC launch this year and had created exclusive promotions to entice their shoppers with a string of novelties and tantalizing promotions. Thus, this is a perfect opportunity for them to be mesmerized by the grand Pavilion Crystal Fountain.


I like the music instrumental performance. So nice..


the cameraman is suckz...

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